Examples of cooperation :
SPS 2015 poster
SPS 2016 poster
Nova Research Laboratories LLC Research article
Based on the algorithms already validated in the scientific literature, Safe Cardiac Action Potential Test (SCAP Test) can identify some drug cardiac liabilities (such as early after depolarisation (EAD), triangulation, reverse use dependence (RUD), transmural dispersion of repolarisation (TDR), action potential duration (APD) prolongation or shortening, Vmax increase or decrease,....) on various cellular types (such as Purkinje fibre, atrial or ventricular myocytes,..) of different species (such as guinea pig, rabbit, dog, human) under various experimental conditions (such as cycle length, ionic composition, inhibition or activation of various ionic currents..)
If you want to set up a cooperation for any study (for publication for example), don't hesitate to contact us using the contact form or the following email (bchristophe@scaptest.com). You will receive a reply as soon as possible
Available models:
Ventricular Myocyte |
Purkinje Fibre Cell |
Atrial myocyte |
Guinea pig |
Luo & Rudy (1994)
Circ Res 74: 1071-1096
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Rabbit |
Shannon & al. (2004)
Biophys J 87: 3351-3371
Aslanidi & al. (2010)
Biophys J 98: 2420-2431
Aslanidi & al. (2009)
Biophys J 96: 798-817
Dog |
Hund & Rudy (2004)
Circulation 110: 3168-3174
Aslanidi & al. (2009)
Biophys J 97: 20-39
Xia & al. (2010)
J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B 11:402-416
Human |
Grandi & al. (2010)
J Mol Cell Cardiol 48: 112-121
O'Hara & al. (2011)
PLoS Comput Biol 7: e1002061
Stewart & al. (2009)
Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci 367: 2225-2255
Sampson & al. (2010)
J Physiol 588: 2643-2655
Maleckar & al. (2008)
Prog Biophys Mol Biol 98: 161-170
Parameters that can be tested on each model:
- Various levels of inhibition or activation of various channels, individually or simultaneously
(INa INaL INab IKr Iks IK1 Ito IKb ICaL ICaT ICaNa ICaK ICab INaCa INaK IpCa .......)
- Various stimulation rates
- Various [Na+]e, [K+]e and/or [Ca++]e
Results expressed as
- AP parameters (RMP, APA, Vmax, APD40, APD60, APD90, T40, T60….)
- Cardiac markers (EAD, TDR, RUD, APD prolongation or shortening, Triangulation, Vmax increase or decrease, ....)